Night peeps!
It's me again, and whathehell I-AM-BORED. I got nothing to do but blogging (well i could study, btw there's an exam tmrrw and believe me, A HARD ONE. And why the hell im still typin this shit? i dunno.) And now im eating a fried rice with fried shrimp and fried chicken (guess im a fried-lover-kinda-gurl) HAA so it means-> im gettin crankier in this chair im sittin and gettin fatty-er from this food im eating. But believe it or not, it's hard for me to gain weight I CANT BE FAT :S
Im not insulting peoples and im not showing off or something. It's creepin me out i eat alot but my body is NOT-GETTING-BIGGER. Maybe it's a disease, yeah who knows. IT'S MY KINDA DISEASE \m/ okay moving on. So, it's near FEBRUARYY<3 the looovee monthh. Make a wish people, hope it'll be my month :D and guess what, MY BURFTDAY IS IN FEBRUARYY!! *cheers* yeah so i'll be waiting for your presents haha justkiddin'. And it's student exchange month, and im ex-changingg:pp I'll be in Alpus next week, hope i'll get along with the peoples there. And i am preparing myself, what i need for student exchange 2011 is:
-CONFIDENCE so it'll be easy to adapted
-FRIENDLINESS so i can make new friends easily!
-GUTS i know it'll be hard there, this is super important.
Okay im not going to shit alot here, better hanging with my physics books. *wishmeluck*
Merci, nadd.